Reimagine Australia has been at the forefront of early childhood intervention, leading life-changing, evidence-based outcomes for children with disability and/or developmental delay and their families for over three decades. We are proud to have led and/or collaborated on key advocacy for several initiatives that have shaped the experience and benefit to families under the NDIS early childhood approach, including:

  • The expansion of the NDIS Act to encompass children with developmental delay, not only children with disability. This one piece of advocacy has been transformative for hundreds of thousands of families, since the rollout of the NDIS
  • The ability for children to access the NDIS without the need for diagnosis, enabling swifter access to services and supports during the critical early years.
  • The NDIS utilising our National Guidelines: Best Practice in Early Childhood Intervention to form the foundation of the design of the early childhood approach.
  • In 2020, Reimagine Australia designed and delivered the first National Blueprint for Early Childhood Intervention to 2030, on behalf of the Commonwealth Government, called ‘Reimagine Early Childhood: A National Action Plan to 2030
  • In 2021, Reimagine Australia were heartened that our strong advocacy to government was recognised, through the elevation of young children, from a tertiary priority, to a primary priority under the new Australia’s Disability Strategy, for which our Action Plan was identified as a key foundational stone. Years of advocacy were crystalised within our consultation submission, which can be accessed here. Further, our recommendation that children be supported under the Disability Strategy by an articulated Targeted Action Plan (TAP) was adopted by government, and we look forward to working with the Commonwealth as the Strategy is operationalised across the Australia.

To stay informed about our latest events, you can subscribe to our updates below.


Reimagine Australia has led significant projects that focus on influencing greater outcomes for children with disability and developmental delay and their families on a national level. 

We are enormously proud that our National Guidelines for Best Practice in early Childhood Intervention have formed the foundation of the design of the NDIS Early Childhood Approach.

In 2020, Reimagine Australia will deliver the very first national blueprint for early childhood intervention on behalf of the Commonwealth Government called ‘Reimagine Early Childhood: A National Action Plan to 2030’.


Reimagine Australia has represented the interests of families of children with disability or additional needs, and those who provide them with service and support through submissions that focus on focusing policy makers on issues and providing them with recommendations to support greater outcomes. 

We are enormously proud of our advocacy, and our influence on policy that better enables and supports children and their families to thrive.

To access our submissions, including our 2019 submission to the Review of the NDIS (Tune Review), please click the button below.


Some issues require Reimagine Australia to build a wider case for an advocacy position, based on evidence and research. Some notable examples of position papers we have developed include the NSW Gaps Position Paper and our joint position statement on inclusion, with Early Childhood Australia.

To access our position papers please click the button below. 


Co-Sign The Statement

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