Calling all everyday heroes; parents and carers, early childhood practitioners, community leaders, professionals, as well as leading organisations, peak bodies, research bodies and elected representatives. We need your help to ensure that every child in Australia has every possibility to reach their full potential.
We invite you to show your support and become a signatory to The Reimagine Statement and change the future for every Australian child. Together we can help to reshape Australia’s future.
Hundreds of thousands of families every year seek support for a young child, and are confronted and confused by a system that, despite its best intentions, has become unnecessarily complex.
Families describe their interaction with Australia’s human services system as overwhelming, complicated and quite frankly, distressing, with no less than 10 separate service systems to coordinate and navigate.
When you add extra layers such as cultural barriers, entrenched disadvantage and poverty to a family’s circumstance, the journey to receive much needed support becomes dangerously difficult.
We believe that whole-of-service system reform is urgently required to better support families with young children.
We know that family is the most essential support system in the child’s life; which is why we believe that whole-of-service system reform is urgently required to meet the needs of Australian families.
Children live and thrive in the context of their families, yet so many desperately need access to a fully inclusive, well-resourced, culturally responsive and innovative early childhood support system.
Empowering and supporting parents and caregivers through easily accessible information and resources, that are designed and delivered through the lens of the development and wellbeing of their whole family, will create optimised outcomes for families and their children.
There is no greater investment in our nations future than enabling our children to reach their full potential. We ask you to add your endorsement and commitment to The Reimagine Statement, and that together we can make sure that every child has every opportunity to thrive.
Reimagine Australia is calling upon families, professionals, organisations and political representatives to universally support a program of investment in national service system reform, in order to establish one easy to navigate system that best enables young children to reach their full potential. A system that maximises the opportunity of their early childhood years, and that is harmonised at Federal, State and Territory levels.
There is no greater investment in our nations future than enabling our children to reach their full potential.
We ask you to add your endorsement and commitment to The Reimagine Statement, and that together we can make sure that every child has every opportunity to thrive.
Add your support by going to our change.org page or clicking the JOiN NOW button below.
We are inviting you to to show your support as a signatory partner to the Reimagine Statement simply by uploading your organisation’s logo here.
Have you ever struggled to find help for your child when you needed it? Have you been met with waiting lists, confusion, complicated language, service system barriers, and dead ends? Have you been been left feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and lost?
You are not alone. This, sadly, is a common experience for families seeking help and support for their young child. Often, the cost of the time and difficulty in accessing services and support is a loss of potential for your child.
It shouldn’t be this way. Families should be supported by a system that provides easy access to services and supports for all children, when and where they need them. Help us make this a reality. Join our campaign today to ensure that every child is given every possibility to thrive.
Reimagine Australia is calling on all side of government to pledge their support to reform the early childhood service eco-system.
We are campaigning for our elected representatives to recognise the importance of supporting young children and their families, and to prioritise a national reform program that will enable families to have access to services and supports for their child through a well-resourced, easy to navigate, inclusive and culturally responsive service system.
We are asking for your support to co-sign the Reimagine Statement. If you are an early childhood or family professional, organisation or peak body, we invite you to co-sign and add you name or organisation logo to our Statement.
Do you have a story to share that will help to illustrate to our elected representatives how difficult it was to access help and support for your child?
We know that there is nothing that will activate change more than your story, so we are inviting you to share your experience in any way that works for you. Your story will be part of our national ‘storyboard’ of experiences of families of young children and the professionals who seek to support them.
You might wish to tell us your story though video, audio or by uploading a document. Or you might choose to type your story directly into our form. No matter how you choose to share, we are grateful for your help to enable a government service system redesign to better support every child to thrive.
Reimagine Australia (Reimagine) was proud to be tasked with the delivery of the first very National Early Childhood 10-year Action Plan, on behalf of the Commonwealth Government. The Action Plan, delivered in 2020, provides a clear road map to 2030 to support the development of children, optimise social and economic outcomes for children from birth to six years with developmental delay or disability and support their families in a broad range of evidence-informed and innovative approaches. It forms the basis of our Reimagine Statement (above).
The Action Plan is grounded in a strong family context, co-designed with families and for families, to maximise outcomes for the hundreds of thousands of Australian families and caregivers every year who seek to support ac young child with additional needs.
We are working hard to ensure that our Every Child Every Possibility is heard loud and clear by all elected representatives right across the political spectrum.
Reimagine will implement a media campaign across social media and traditional media to amplify our message far and wide.
To check out our media updates, click on the button below.